Category: Music

  • A Prolegomenon to Any Future Aesthetics

    A Prolegomenon to Any Future Aesthetics

    The title is a variation on a famous work by 18th century German philosopher Immanuel Kant and the painting, Twilight in The Wilderness, is by the 19th century American artist, Frederic Edwin Church and can be found in the Cleveland Museum of Art. In the upcoming weeks and months, I will begin addressing questions concerning…

  • The Sound of Heartbreak Made Vocal

    The Sound of Heartbreak Made Vocal

    Early in 1973, two of my brothers and myself were given the job of painting an upstairs bedroom in our house. Once we got past the usual hem-hawing and protestations of having to expend valuable time engaged in such an onerous task, we settled in for an afternoon of slinging paint against the wall and…